Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Temps in the 40s, overcast, light to moderate rain most of the day, Wind SSW 10-20 mph

Weather, May 22, 2024

It rained most of the day today, making birding uncomfortable.

We saw at least 18 Wood Sandpipers today in multiple locations.

Wood Sandpiper, Contractor’s Marsh, May 22, 2024

The rain made photo ops rare today.

We (very briefly) saw the Hawfinch at the Seal Drive feeder, but had better looks at the Brambling that was hanging nearby.

Brambling, Seal Drive Area, May 22, 2024

The Emperor Goose was still on Goose Rocks this morning.

Both Wilderness Birding Adventures and High Lonesome tours left today, but nine new birders arrived.

Just as the plane was leaving Adak, Sam called to report a Siberian Sand-Plover (I still prefer Mongolian Plover!) at Contractor’s Marsh. We, and some of the new birders, scoured the marsh, but could not relocate it.

We headed up to Clam Lagoon, and received a report from there of a Common Greenshank. We couldn’t find that one either, although others did.

The winds continue to pour in from the southwest, bringing new birds every day (even if we are not seeing all of them).

So the next few days (as the rain and wind diminish) look encouraging.

Our Trip List is 52.

My Trip List can be seen at