Temp in the 40s, overcast, no precipitation, Wind ENE 5-10 mph
A very good day. No lifers, but a few nice birds.
First, an apology.
I forgot to post the photo of the “odd-looking” siskin yesterday. So here it is.
Notice the lack of streaking in the center of the breast/belly and the hint of yellow above and behind the eye. These are traits of the female Green-morph Pine Siskin.
Today started out at the Marina, where I picked up Ancient Murrelets.
How’s that for an ID quiz?
Then I drove down to Finger Bay, picking up 8 Snow Buntings and a Red-necked Grebe along the way.
Then I didn’t get anything else new until I got to the East Side Ponds at Clam Lagoon, where a Long-billed Dowitcher flushed as I drove along. I could not relocate it.
This is only the second Spring dowitcher that I have had out here.
At the Seawall, I had both Pacific and Arctic Loons.
I had several puffins of both species fly by. I spent a few minutes scanning the horizon for stiff-wings and was rewarded with about a half-dozen Short-tailed Shearwaters and one Laysan Albatross.
At Lake Shirley, I found the Barrow’s Goldeneye that others had reported a few days ago in Clam Lagoon.
On the way back to town, I got a report of a Pacific Golden-Plover and A Ruddy Turnstone at Landing Lights Beach. When I got there, only the turnstone was still there.
I had an early dinner, then went back out.
At Contractor’s Camp Marsh, I spotted one of the Common Mergansers that have been hanging around.
When I got back up to Clam Lagoon, I got a report that the plover was on the peninsula.
But, before I could get to that, I also was told a Short-eared Owl was hunting nearby.
This is the first Short-eared Owl that I have seen out here that sat long enough for a photo!
At the peninsula, I got the plover.
As I came around the northeast corner of the lagoon, another owl was hunting there. He also sat for a photo!
On the other side of the lagoon, I captured this gull working on dinner.
Then, to top off the day, I had a flock of Aleutian Cackling Geese fly over.
In addition to all of this, the wagtail and godwit were both seen again and a Tundra Swan has been hanging around since yesterday and a Gyrfalcon was seen. None of these birds showed itself to me however.
My trip list jumped to 52 (from 39)!
My day’s list can be found at https://ebird.org/checklist/S111142617
It is supposed to be nice weather again tomorrow.