What? Sunday?
It was bound to happen.
Temp in the 40s overcast, light rain showers, Wind S 10-20 mph.
After 20 trips out to Adak, we finally had a flight cancelled. The same volcano that caused the cancellation of last week’s flight did ours in also.
The “good” news is that they have rescheduled it for tomorrow, so we hope to be home by Tuesday. We will see.
In the meantime, we got a little more birding in and will bird a little tomorrow morning.
Today, we added Arctic Loon to our trip list (before the cancellation) and the Black-headed Gull that was hanging out at Landing Lights was joined by two more!
One of the Wood Sandpipers at the Marsh, has become very cooperative.
This is very typical of this species out here. You can drive right up next to them — within ten feet or so — and they just look at you or calmly walk away, only occasionally flushing.
That’s all I have tonight. Between rescheduling flights, partial unpacking, and reorganizing our menus (good thing we bring extra!), I am pooped.
Next posting will be on Wednesday — we hope!