Temps in the 40s, mostly overcast, wind wsw 15-25 mph
Within 20 minutes of erecting the feeder out side my house, the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches found it! And most of the other feeders are active as well. In the past, it often took several days for the local birds to rediscover the feeders. I guess they are finally learning…
Our first interesting birds of the day were several Common Snipe performing at Wood Sandpiper Drive.
The separated outer tail feathers are nicely evident here.
At Contractor’s Marsh, we got to see two Wood Sandpipers. Other groups have seen as many as 5 so far.
Down on Redshank Drive, we found three Pacific Golden-Plovers. Redshank Drive is THE place for this species every year.
As we were approaching Warbler Willows, a Gyrfalcon swooped by chasing the teal we had flushed. It quickly flew away, giving me poor photo ops.
We had a lone Bar-tailed Godwit on Clam Lagoon.
At the Seawall, there were 5 Pacific Loons ad Don got his life Red-faced Cormorant.
As we were starting the return trip around Clam Lagoon, we got a call from Sam Brayshaw that there was a Tiaga Flycatcher at Warbler willows! We had been down there earlier in the day, but had nothing…
We raced around the lagoon (‘raced’ being a relative term considering how pothole-ridden the road is) and eventually got there and saw the bird.
Unfortunately, it was very distant and across a stream that had no easy crossing. So I got photos, but they are terrible.
Barb and I had a Taiga Flycatcher up at the Blue Buildings back in September 2015. It was the first Fall record for the Aleutians! All others had been in Spring.
Late in the afternoon I got a call from Aaron Lang that they had a Long-toed Stint at Contractor’s Marsh! This is the last stint I need. However, the bird had disappeared into an inaccessible reedy island and was no longer visible.
Later, he emailed me that they had another one up at Clam Lagoon!!!
That will be my first priority tomorrow morning. I’m too tired to go back out tonight…
The trip list is 34.