Monday, September 16, 2013


Temp about 50, overcast, rain in late afternoon, SW wind 10-20 mph.

As we were driving north on Bayshore Drive this morning, I spotted a falcon flying over the Water Towers Bluff. It “looked funny,” so we drove up to the bluff to try to get a better look. It had flown off by then, so who knows?

At the Elfin Forest, we were excited when a few ducks swam out of the nearby pond, as this is where the Baikal Teal hung out last September. Alas, it was not to be–just Common Teal and Mallards.

At Clam Lagoon, the Sharp-tail/Pectoral flock was again feeding out on the flats. I walked the marsh edge, but didn’t find anything new.

On the east side of Clam Lagoon, I spotted a Peregrine Falcon sitting out on the flats and then saw a larger falcon about 40 yards away, also standing on the flats. It was a Gyrfalcon–our first for this trip.

Gyrfalcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 16, 2013.

Gyrfalcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 16, 2013.

Gyrfalcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 16, 2013.

Gyrfalcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 16, 2013.

They both took off and interacted briefly over the nearby bluff.

Peregrine Falcon (left) and Gyrfalcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 16, 2013.

Peregrine Falcon (left) and Gyrfalcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 16, 2013.

On our return trip past the seawall, I noticed a falcon flying over the sea. It was hunting–what, I do not know. It would hover over a spot like a Kestrel and then dive at something on the surface. As far as I could tell, it came up empty-handed every time. It was not diving at birds, but some other sealife. We watched it for about ten minutes, and it never caught anything, but was very determined. It appeared to be the Gyrfalcon.

Gyrfalcon hunting over Sitkin Sound, Sept 16, 2013.

Gyrfalcon hunting over Sitkin Sound, Sept 16, 2013.

We continued north along the seawall, and while scanning the almost completely calm sea, spotted 20(!) Red-necked Grebes. A new high for us. Obviously, they were on the move last night.

Red-necked Grebes, Seawall, Sept 16, 2013.

Red-necked Grebes, Seawall, Sept 16, 2013.

The wind is forecast to be from the south, southwest, and west the next few days. The fallout last week came during a rain storm with strong south winds. Here’s hoping!