Friday, May 27, 2022

Temp 50 (again!), partly sunny, Occasional very light spritzle, Wind ENE 5-10 mph

Still caught in the doldrums.

The weather systems in the Bering Sea are basically stationary.

Nice weather for those who live here, bad for birders…

All three godwits remain. This morning the Black-tailed were sleeping out on the flats on one leg each. Unlike the previous couple of days, they were still in the southwest corner of Clam Lagoon this afternoon.

The White Wagtail was seen again today (not by me).

While coming back around the northeast corner of Clam Lagoon, another Short-eared Owl flushed from the side of the road.

Just to be clear. SEOs are not rare out here — in fact they breed here. You just have to be in the right place and time to see one. Of those 22 other trips when we did not see one, many other birders on the island at the time did.

I decided to go out to the Loran Station. I have never had much luck out there scanning for pelagics, but I go out there at least once a trip, just because…

I did manage to see some way-out shearwaters and one Laysan Albatross, but nothing I couldn’t have seen from the Seawall.

One good bird I had there was a Pacific Wren — new for the trip.

Here is another common bird photo.

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Adak, May 27, 2022

And another…

Common Teal, Adak, May 27, 2022

Sam alerted me to an American Wigeon pair out at Lake Andrew.

American Wigeon, Lake Andrew, May 27, 2022

95% of the wigeon out here are Eurasian, but we usually get a couple of Americans each spring.

My feeder-cam came through, with shots of all four siskins today.

4 Pine Siskins and 1 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, My Feeder, May 27, 2022
4 Pine Siskins and 1 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, My Feeder, May 27, 2022

And I saw a Brambling at my feeder this evening.

One nice thing about here is the gas price. Unlike the rest of the country, the price is only up 22 cents since last year. It helps that they only get gas deliveries once or twice a year.

The trip list is 62.

Today’s list can be seen at

Sam and Bob are leaving tomorrow and 4 new birders are arriving.