One week down, one to go…
Temp in the 40s, overcast (mostly), moderate NE wind.
Today was our first all-day overcast (except for a few fleeting breaks of sunshine mid-afternoon). The weatherman is still predicting a break in the system this weekend.
The Bewick’s Swan is all alone again — the second swan having left overnight.
At Contractor’s Camp Marsh, we had one Least Sandpiper and a Common Snipe was displaying.
There are still at least five Tufted Ducks here. No sign of the Smew today.
At Lake Shirley, a flock of 14 Cackling Geese flew over.
At the Seawall, we spotted an Oldsquaw for our trip list. This makes 25 species of waterfowl this trip — a new high for us.
We went up to North Lake (which is north of Clam Lagoon) and Barb took a nice shot of the lagoon.
Sundays and Thursdays are airplane days, so some people left and new ones arrived. The tour group that was here departed — but not before flushing a Short-eared Owl up at the marsh just before rushing to the airport! John Pushock and most of his tour group arrived to spend a few days birding Adak before taking a boat to Attu. They will be leaving on Sunday and then we will be the only birders on Adak until we leave on Thursday. But for now, we still have extra eyes searching for birds.
The trip list is at 57.