Mid-40s, overcast, occasional sprinkle, 20 mph NW wind
The siskin is still here. We saw it at its roosting area this morning and at the feeder area this afternoon.
At Sweeper Channel, a couple of Greater Scaup posed nicely for me.
At Landing Lights Beach, we picked up a new trip bird–Sanderling (still in winter plumage). There were 9 Rock Sandpipers as well.
I walked through Contractor’s Marsh and didn’t see a single shorebird. Ditto at Clam Lagoon–both the peninsula and marsh edge were devoid of shorebirds. We had a Pacific Loon today–the first in several days.
If you visit Adak in September, there are many wildflowers in bloom, but in May, very few. This Marsh Marigold was the first blooming flower we’ve seen (not counting the daffodils in peoples’ yards).
A pair of Pelagic Cormorants posed at Clam Lagoon (you never see the Red-faced this close!).
Cargo that cannot fit on a plane (or would cost too much to ship that way) are delivered to Adak via barge. On Saturday, a barge arrived with lots of stuff, unloaded and then filled back up and left this afternoon. I still don’t see how these things stay upright in the Bering Sea (have you seen The Deadliest Catch?). The containers were stacked four-high and then trucks put on top of them! The barge is towed by a tugboat (duh!).
One-and-half more days to go.
Trip list is 59.