Monday, September 21, 2015

Temp in the 50s, West wind, 10-15 mph, partly sunny.

First, a correction to yesterday’s post. The Taiga Flycatcher was a FIRST for Adak, not second. We “misremembered” a previous flycatcher report. (If you just read yesterday’s report, it says “first.” That’s because I just changed it…)

The Taiga Flycatcher is still here. As is so often the case, when we have a great day like yesterday, the following day is nothing to write home about. And so it was.

We added Common Snipe to the trip list. Had a cooperative Pectoral Sandpiper at Clam Lagoon (still no Sharp-tails!!).

Pectoral Sandpiper, Clam Lagoon, Sept 21, 2015.

Pectoral Sandpiper, Clam Lagoon, Sept 21, 2015.

I mentioned the other day the improvement to the south lookout at Clam Lagoon. I forgot to mention the improvement in the roads. Since we were here in May, most of the roads that we regularly travel on have been graded, including the north and east side of Clam Lagoon (which hadn’t been graded in years). Also, they fixed a large sinkhole that was developing at the north end of the lagoon road where a culvert was washing out. Kudos to the new Roadmaster!!

The most exciting thing today (apart from seeing the flycatcher again) was a helicopter that flew in from the east, landed for only 10 to 15 minutes, and took back off to the west. And it wasn’t one of those Coast Guard long-range behemoths! Just a small one. We have not heard from the locals yet as to the story…

In our excitement about the tattlers and flycatcher yesterday, I forgot to mention that the Salmon run is still in full swing down at Finger Creek. It is ended at most of the other streams.

Salmon Run, Finger Creek, Sept 20, 2015.

Salmon Run, Finger Creek, Sept 20, 2015.

Last, but not least, while walking out the Clam Lagoon peninsula the other day, I noticed some small holes in the mud/sand. They did not appear to go very deep, but were freshly excavated. Oddly, there were no tracks of any kind around them, coming or going! Here is a photo of one with my footprint for size comparison.

Mystery Hole, Clam Lagoon, Sept 21, 2015.

Mystery Hole, Clam Lagoon, Sept 21, 2015.

There were plenty of tracks, both bird and rat nearby, so the sand was soft enough to record them. Also, the tide had not reached this high in several days. Does anyone know what would create these? I am guessing possibly some type of flying insect hatching out? You can contact me at

The trip list is 44 (Our September average is 56).