Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Temp in the 50s, mostly sunny, light NW winds (Horrible weather!!!!)

So far, most commentators on our crane say it is a Sandhill. We tend to agree.

Nothing new today (not even a trip bird). However, I did get some photos.

A flock of Cackling Geese near the Seawall took off as we tried to pass them.


Cackling Geese, near the Seawall, Sept 25, 2018

In the fall, there are many more Pacific Wrens around and they are very friendly.

Pacific Wren, Seawall, Sept 25, 2018

As are the song Sparrows.

Aleutian Song Sparrow, Landing Lights, Sept 25, 2018

There are usually more Peregrine Falcons around, too.

Peregrine Falcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 25, 2018

Peregrine Falcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 25, 2018

Peregrine Falcon, Clam Lagoon, Sept 25, 2018

At the Landing Lights today, I had a shearwater (probably Short-tailed) fly in just above the water (which was like glass) flap-flap-flap-glide, occasionally dropping his head to pick something off of the surface. It was too backlit and far away to get photos. but it was neat to watch.

There are Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches and Song Sparrows at several of the feeders, but nothing else so far.

The majority of Lapland Longspurs have left, but a few flocks remain.

Jon and Jim leave tomorrow, so we will be the only birders on the island for the next week-and-a-half. We hope they find a goodie before they leave.