Temps in the 50s, mostly cloudy, occasional drizzle, Wind WSW 10-15 mph
A few nice birds today, but no rarities.
No birds at any of the feeders yet.
There were four Black Oystercatchers on one of the rocky islands off Sweeper Cove.
I had both species of Murre in Sweeper Cove.
There are a lot of curious young Pacific Wrens around this time of year.
Up at the Palisades Overlook, I found 3 Black Scoters ad 25 White-winged Scoters.
Up at Clam Lagoon, I walked the penisula and marsh edge. There was nothing on the peninsula, but the marsh edge produced a few birds.
First was a pair of Western Sandpipers.
They flew off and were joined by a third peep (identity unknown).
A little farther up the edge I flushed a Pectoral and a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper together.
At the north end of the lagoon, I found a Northern Shoveler (not a common bird on Adak).
Back down at Sweeper Channel, the tide was going out and there were 10 Rock Sandpipers there, doing their best Purple Sandpiper impersonations…
I had three Common Ravens today (up from two in May).
And spotted my first Black-legged Kittiwakes for the trip.
I had 28 Bald Eagles today, way up from last year. It looks that they are recovering from whatever crashed their population here the past few years.
The trip list stands at 31.
I added 4 birds to my Adak Year’s list which now stands at 74 (Western, Pectoral, and Sharp-tailed sandpipers and Black-legged Kittiwake).
You can see my daily eBird list at https://ebird.org/checklist/S150170818