Temp in the low 50s, partly cloudy in the AM, overcast and light rain in the PM, Wind SSE 10-20 mph
At Sweeper Cove this morning, we found three Emperor Geese — two adult and one juvenile. We had never seen a juvenile before, so this was a semi-lifer. Also, we hadn’t seen any Emperor Geese since September 2014, so it was nice to find some again.
We went around Sweeper Cove and headed up Bayshore. Nothing new, but there was more variety in the bay now that the sea had settled down.
At the Landing Lights, I found a dead juvenile Tufted Puffin.
We checked Warbler Willows and Lake Jean. Nothing new.
At the Palisades Overlook, there was a lot of activity in the bay — mostly kittiwakes and gulls.
At Clam Lagoon, I walked out the peninsula and the Red Knot was still there. But it had no companions.
We drove out to the Loran Station and had a nice view, but no pelagics. On the way back we had another Peregrine Falcon.
At the Seawall, Barb spotted a loon which we quickly identified as a Red-throated. This was exciting, as this is the last loon species we needed for our Adak list! Soon after, a second one joined the first. Unfortunately, the waves were still too high and the birds too distant for me to get a photo. Maybe they will hang around…
Some Ruddy Turnstones fly by and we saw a couple of Marbled Murrelets and two Horned Grebes.
There were still Short-tailed Shearwaters flying close to shore. Still no other pelagics.
From the east shore of Clam Lagoon, we spotted some shorebirds way out on the edge of the flats. They were the Red Knot and nine Sanderlings. Like the geese, we hadn’t seen any Sanderlings out here since September 2014.
Returning to the Seawall, we found two Arctic Loons! As we left the Seawall, a Peregine flew by. All three of our Peregrine sightings have been adults, so we don’t know if it is one bird or three.
Our trip list is 42.