Temp in the 50s, partly cloudy, passing showers in late afternoon, increasing SW winds.
We had a few shorebirds today. Nothing new, but at least something to look at.
At Landing Lights Beach, there were three Ruddy Turnstones and a Rock Sandpiper. We had two Black Oystercatchers. At the Seawall, the tide was out enough to provide a sandy beach for the Sanderling flock to play tag with the waves.
Also at the Seawall was a juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper.
At Clam Lagoon, the seven Western Sandpipers had morphed into two Western Sandpipers and five Rock Sandpipers.
The scaup flock returned to Lake Shirley along with Pintails, Mallards, a shoveler, and the two Tufted Ducks. The total waterfowl flock there is now about 150 birds!
As we got back to town in late afternoon, it started to rain pretty hard, so we went in and had an early supper. The showers passed and it cleared up (relatively speaking), so we went back out to do a baywatch at Kulik Bay overlook.
Shortly after settling in, I saw a small dark alcid. I got it in the scope and discovered it was a Cassin’s Auklet — a lifer! We both got good looks at it, but was unable to get satisfactory photos, as the light was poor and it kept diving as soon as I would get it in the camera. And it kept getting farther out. Still, not a bad way to end the day.
Our trip list is up to 58. More to come…