Friday, September 27, 2019

Temp in the 50s, partly sunny, winds SW 10-20 mph

The Gray-tailed Tattler was still down at Sweeper Channel this morning, along with two Ruddy Turnstones. We also had 19 turnstones at the Landing Lights.

A new trip bird was Thick-billed Murre up at the Seawall. We also had five Emperor Geese there.

The Marsh Sandpiper is still here as well as a bunch of Pectoral and Sharp-tailed sandpipers. Here is our parting shot of the Marsh.

Marsh Sandpiper, Clam Lagoon, September 27, 2019

We also had a flock of TEN Rock Ptarmigans. The most we have seen in over a year!

But the theme of the day was aerial gymnastics!

At the Water Tower Bluff at the north end of town, eagles, ravens and Peregrines were cavorting in the strong updrafts caused by the southwest winds striking the cliff face.

Two Peregrine Falcons and a Bald Eagle, Adak, September 27, 2019
Two Common Ravens, one bald Eagle, and two Peregrine Falcons, Adak, September 27, 2019
Two Bald Eagles and a Common Raven, Adak, September 27, 2019
Two Bald Eagles and a Common Raven, Adak, September 27, 2019

Then, up at Lake Shirley, a Peregrine Falcon and a Common Raven were going at it!

Peregrine Falcon and Common Raven, Lake Shirley, September 27, 2019
Peregrine Falcon and Common Raven, Lake Shirley, September 27, 2019
Peregrine Falcon and Common Raven, Lake Shirley, September 27, 2019
Peregrine Falcon, Lake Shirley, September 27, 2019. VICTORY!

Later, we found this bird on the airport runway.

Peregrine Falcon, Airport (the closed runway!), September 27, 2019

And finally, our mandatory Bald Eagle photo…

Bald Eagles, Sweeper Channel, September 27, 2019

Trip List is 55. Year List is 84.

We leave around 5 PM Adak time tomorrow and expect to be home around 5 PM on Sunday.

I will post our last day’s blog Monday morning.

Today’s eBird list is at: