Thursday, September 12, 2013

Temp in the 50s, partly sunny, NW wind 10-20 mph swinging to the west.

At Clam Lagoon, the Mongolian Plover continues to hang in with a Semipalmated Plover and a Western Sandpiper. This trio will not allow close approach. The Mongol takes off first quickly followed by the other two. So, although I got better photos today, they are still from a great distance and greatly enlarged.

Mongolian Plover, Clam Lagoon, Sept 12, 2013

Mongolian Plover, Clam Lagoon, Sept 12, 2013

Mongolian Plover (left) with Semipalmated Plover, Clam Lagoon, Sept 12, 2013

Mongolian Plover (left) with Semipalmated Plover, Clam Lagoon, Sept 12, 2013

Mongolian Plover (right) with Western Sandpiper, Clam Lagoon, Sept 12, 2013

Mongolian Plover (right) with Western Sandpiper, Clam Lagoon, Sept 12, 2013

The only other shorebirds we had at the lagoon today were three Pacific Golden-Plovers. And 9 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers and 4 Pectoral Sandpipers briefly stepped out of the marsh to show themselves.

At the seawall, the surf was up!

Seawall surf, Sept 12, 2013.

Seawall surf, Sept 12, 2013.

We had mostly Rock Sandpipers and Sanderlings there, but also a nice juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper.

Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper, Seawall, Sept 12, 2013

Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper, Seawall, Sept 12, 2013

Also at the seawall, while scanning the shearwaters way off-shore, we picked out a Northern Fulmar and an albatross of undetermined species.

Lake Shirley, in addition to being a good place for waterfowl and an occasional shorebird, is best known as the gulls bathtub. It is a freshwater lake and the gulls come over from the saltwater Clam Lagoon to bathe. There is usually a steady stream of gulls coming and going there.

Gulls bathing in Lake Shirley, Sept 12, 2013

Gulls bathing in Lake Shirley, Sept 12, 2013

Rental vehicles on Adak are always iffy, but this trip we have a nice 2001 Honda CRV! It is quiet and everything works (except the clock and auxiliary power port)!

Honda CRV, Sept 12, 2013

Honda CRV, Sept 12, 2013

The trip list stands at 48.

One week down and one to go…