Mid-40s, south winds, raining all day.
The weather did not help the birding today. At the various feeders, all we had were Gray-crowned Rosy Finches (and a Raven!). On the water tank cliffside, we spotted a Raven’s nest with three almost-fledged young.
At Clam Lagoon, two Dunlin joined the flock of godwits on the flats (too far for photos). Along the west shore of the lagoon, a Common Eider stayed close enough for a portrait (you can never have too many eider photos!).
Red-breasted Mergansers are abundant on Adak, but fly off at the nearest approach, so it was nice to get a photo of this pair at Lake Shirley.
We stopped early today (4 pm) as it kept raining and we were having car troubles–the engine died several times today. Cindy (the person we are renting housing and the truck from) promised to have it fixed or get us a replacement vehicle by sometime tomorrow. We suspect it is just condensation in the gas tank, as this vehicle has not been driven for several months. We will see.The wind is supposed to shift to the southwest and then west tomorrow. That should bring some new migrants in.
I hope we have a longer report tomorrow.