Monday, 9/12 Addendum

A couple of things I forgot to mention in yesterday’s report.

The Red-necked Stint was “unfortunate” because we had a breeding plumage Red-necked Stint last spring (in fact only about 50 yards from where we found yesterday’s bird!). So it wasn’t even an Adak bird for us. It was a semi-lifer though, as we had never seen a juvenile.

You can see photos of last May’s birds at:

Also, yesterday, while scanning the bay from Palisades Lookout, Frank spotted a feeding frenzy off Zeto Point. He put the scope on it and, although most of the birds were Glaucous-winged Gulls, there were a few Fulmars there as well. This was an Adak bird for Frank. Barb had seen many Fulmars off Adak on a boat trip several years earlier.

Later, while scanning from the seawall off Clam Lagoon, Frank was able to pick out hundreds of Short-tailed Shearwaters WAY out. Visible only through the scope. On easterly winds, these streams of shearwaters can be visible with binoculars and identifiable in the scope. There are usually a few Layson Albatross mixed in.

You can get a full overview of birding Adak, photos, maps, and more at our home page Just click on Birding Adak.

Monday, Sept 12, 2011

Well, we got a stint today! Unfortunately, it was a Red-necked, not a Long-toed.

We birded most of the “usual” spots, seeing the expected species. Lots of young Lapland Longspurs, Aleutian Song Sparrows, Aleutian Gray-crowned Rosy Finches, Glaucous-winged Gulls, Common Teal, Mallards, etc.

The Bald Eagles, gulls, and ravens were feeding on the salmon runs which are just about over.

In mid-afternoon, Frank walked out the peninsula on Clam Lagoon and found four shorebirds; three Western Sandpipers and a dark-legged juvenile Stint. Having absolutely no experience with juvenile stints, he took a lot of photos in hopes of pinning it down later. Since it was possibly a Little Stint (a lifer), Barb trudged out to see it as well. Although we hoped it was a Little, we both felt it was probably a Red-necked. Later that afternoon, Isaac pointed out to us the salient features that confirmed our suspicions (but not desires) that it was a Red-necked.

Western Sandpiper (left) and Red-necked Stint (right), Clam Lagoon, 9/12/2011.

Note the fairly pale coverts (Little has much darker) and the lack of streaking on the breast (it is more of a wash).

Our bodies are still adjusting to the time zone difference (5 hours), so we are exhausted at 6 in the evening! We will be well-adjusted just in time to return home…

Note: the date that I put on the Three-toed Woodpecker photo should have been 9/11, not 9/10.