Saturday, June 4, 2022

Temp in the 40s, partly sunny, light NE wind

There were only 28 godwits here today. I only saw Bar-tailed.

After several days of little birdlife at the Seawall, today I found Pacific, Arctic, and Common loon!

But the best bird was a Crested Auklet. With the 60X scope, I could see the crest, orange bill, and dark gray belly, but it was a little too far for details with the camera. Although, you can see the crest.

Crested Auklet, Seawall, June 4, 2022

I have had immature Crested Auklets in the fall in Sweeper Cove, but this is the first one in breeding plumage that I have seen from shore.

This made the trip list 68, one more than average. Of course, each time I get more than average, I up the average!

You can see today’s list at

And the total Trip Report at

All of my flights left early, but I arrive without my checked luggage. This is the first time that has happened to my except for cancelled/re-booked flights.

The trip was a good one (it is only great when I get a lifer).

I I have never been on the island for two weeks without a single day of westerly winds! No W, no SW, no NW, no NNW, no SSW, etc.

Yet, we had some good birds in spite of the nice weather.

Semi-lifers included a female Black-tailed Godwit, black-backed variety of White Wagtail, and a spring Gray-tailed Tattler.

Birds of note included the Black-tailed Godwits, black-backed variety of White Wagtail, both Gray-tailed and Wandering tattler, up to 10 Bramblings, Pine Siskins, Crested Auklet, Tundra Swan, Barrow’s Goldeneye, all of the Short-eared Owl sightings, and Least Sandpiper.

And to top off the trip, another Short-eared Owl posed for my final photo of the trip.

Short-eared Owl, Clam Lagoon, June 4, 2022

I will be back on Adak September 17 to Oct 1, 2022.